Facebook has recently started showing notifications on the lock screen of Android devices. It is enabled by default. The notification can light up your screen to display the message. If you are not a big fan of this new invasive feature by Facebook, then you can simply disable it within a few taps. To disable […]
The notification bar or drawer in Android is a really useful feature available in all Android devices. This bar displays notifications related to calendar events, alarms and reminders, new email, messages, app updates, Facebook notifications etc. It keeps you up to date with the happenings of different apps that are present in your phone. The […]
The notification bar on top is one of the most useful part of an Android mobile phone. Up there, you get notifications for almost everything. When you have missed calls, new messages as in SMS/Gmail/Facebook for example, updates for apps, alarms coming up etc, all of them are shown up in the navigation bar. I […]